Benefits of a Saltwater Pool Over a Traditional Chlorine Pool

If you’re looking for a way to keep your pool water clean without all the harsh chemicals, then you should consider a saltwater pool. Fortunately, saltwater pools can actually offer a number of benefits over traditional chlorine pools.

The biggest benefit is that they produce a pure form of chlorine without the byproducts known as chloramines. Chloramines can cause eye irritation, a strong chlorine smell, and other unpleasant side effects.

1. Less Chlorine

A traditional chlorine pool relies on a number of chemicals to keep it clean and safe. These can include chlorine liquid or tablets, stabilizers, clarifiers, and algaecide.

Some of these chemicals are also harmful to your health. Chlorine is known to irritate your eyes, skin, and throat. It can also bleach swimwear and dry your hair out.

Saltwater pools are an option for people who want to avoid all the hassle associated with conventionally chlorinated pools. They are less harsh on your skin, eyes, and hair.

2. Less Irritation

A saltwater pool has a lower concentration of salt than the ocean, which means the water is much gentler on your skin and eyes. If you suffer from allergies or if you have asthma, a saltwater pool might be the right choice for you.

Chlorine irritates eyes and skin, especially when the level of chlorine is too high or it’s mixed with other chemicals like algaecide. Excessive chlorine can also dry your hair and make it brittle.

A saltwater pool can help to prevent irritation by preventing the build-up of chloramines. This is a chemical byproduct of traditional pool chlorine that can be harmful to swimmers who are sensitive to it.

3. Less Maintenance

Many homeowners are turning to saltwater pools to keep their families safe from the harsh effects of chlorine and other chemicals that can irritate their eyes, skin, hair, nasal passages, and lungs.

While they are less harmful, saltwater pools still require regular testing and balancing to maintain the proper pH, Total Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, and stabilizer levels. Additionally, it is important to add Cyanuric Acid or other forms of chlorine stabilizer and conditioner to help prevent the degradation of chlorine from the sun’s UV rays.

While saltwater pools may require fewer chemicals, they can be more expensive to install and to maintain. They also require an additional pump and chlorine generator, and a corrosion inhibitor to protect the pool’s metal components from saltwater damage.

4. Less Smell

Many people prefer the softer feel and less stinging eyes of a saltwater pool over a traditional chlorine pool. This is due to the water’s concentration of salt, which mimics the salt in human tears.

However, saltwater pools also come with a few drawbacks.

First, they’re more expensive to install and maintain than chlorine pools. You’ll also have to regularly test and balance your water’s pH, as well as add chemicals such as chlorine or bromine.

Another issue with a saltwater pool is that it’s easier to rust and damage your pool equipment and surrounding structures. Since salt is a corrosive, it can eat away at metal objects, like heaters, ladders, and brackets. This is why it’s important to properly care for your pool.

5. Less Money

If you’re looking to save money on your pool maintenance and upkeep, a saltwater pool may be the right choice for you. Not only is it cheaper to maintain, but it also requires fewer chemicals and less work than traditional chlorine pools.

Depending on the size of your pool, you could save hundreds of dollars in chemical costs each year. This is especially true if you have young children or pets at home.

A saltwater pool also feels softer on your skin and eyes than traditional chlorine pools, which can be nice for swimmers with sensitive skin. However, a saltwater pool does have a few disadvantages, including a higher upfront cost and more complicated upkeep. In addition, the salt used to produce chlorine is corrosive, which can damage metal objects like heaters and ladders over time.